Imagine … reconnecting with your partner again - leaving the anger, resentment and unkind words behind.

Imagine … feeling loved and cared for the way things used to be.

Imagine … seeing yourselves on the same team and

Imagine … hearing your partner treat you as a priority in their life.

How different would this feel?

Relationships take work, yet so many couples become complacent, falling into boring routines that sap the energy and life out of each other.

Routines like watching endless netflix series, scrolling instagram to get inspired by someone else’s life, messaging friends instead of connecting with the person sitting in the same room as you.

Routines like these sap love and connection replacing them with unmet expectations and loneliness.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Couples who rekindle love and desire take action. They choose to do different things. They break the old pattern by using relational tools that help them grow as people so they connect more strongly as a couple.