What are your best hopes for your relationship?
To feel more connected? To learn how to communicate better? To fight more fairly? To deepen your love for each other?
Sounds Perfect. You’re In The Right Place.
Take a moment to watch my message to you (in the video below) & see how we can connect more.
What is the ‘Heart of Relationships?’
It’s an online program giving couples insights, tools & skills so they can live the best relationship possible - literally to LIFT (loving, intimate, fair, trusting) their partnership. The program is growing every month with new resources, Mastermind meet-ups and coaching calls so you get results. It’s the next best thing to working with me personally.
Personal Mentoring: With this program you’ll receive a 20-30 minute Zoom call each month during your subscription.
In the Hub you’ll also have immediate access to:
How to set smart boundaries that help you create ‘safety rails’ for your relationship
What your attachment style means and how you can become more attuned to your triggers and your partners triggers
How to show deep gratitude and appreciation so your relationship is drip-fed daily the support it needs
How being vulnerable opens a door to deeper connection
How the misuse of power influences and affects your communication style
What healthy communication looks like
How low self-esteem creates despair and what you can do about it
“I love how the videos are short and sharp. They’re to the point. I’m getting so much value from this program.” (Hub member)
When working with a couple in the office, I usually share this phrase: “While I do this work for you, I really aim to help your children - so as together, we can create generational change.”
This program is designed to support this mission: Creating generational change so couples flourish personally & relationally while also teaching their children the value of relating with love, care, respect and equality.
How will this program help you, your relationship or your family?
It’s easy to forget that we’re each accountable for the quality of the relationship we enjoy (or suffer). With the insights you’ll hear and the skills you’ll grow through the program, you’ll feel equipped to heal those inevitable rifts that may arise in your own relationship over time.
I like to think of the people who take this program as ‘mentors’ as my hope is they will teach their children, friends, family members - even colleagues - the transformational skills they’re applying daily.
This work makes the difference between building strong and intentional relationships and suffering either in silence or resentment within a relationship that isn’t supporting your needs.
We’re all works-in-progress
During the program, my role is as a mentor to you. My best hope is in supporting and guiding your personal, emotional and relational growth.
These three areas help you be more attuned so you ‘see’ your partner, hear their deepest needs and feel connected. Most of us know deep-down that we’re all works-in-progress.
Each of us has a ‘shadow side’ - one that’s hidden from others (and usually from ourselves). It’s difficult to be relationally present when our internal world prevents us from connecting deeply - often through old beliefs around what communicating in a clear and open way really involves. And these old beliefs draw from old memories and perceptions gathered in childhood about who we are and how we need to be in a relationship.
By joining this program you’ll continue to grow personally, and in your relationship.
We’ll be talking about relational issues from emotions and conflict to sexuality and communication.
A mentoring membership of this nature offers practical skills aimed at supporting you during those life moments that can leave one feeling overwhelmed, helpless or stressed.
“This program meets me just where I’m at. I’m loving the material and hearing more with Barbara on the Mentoring Calls. What I’m learning I’m using in my relationship and at work.” (Current member)
What will you receive?
Every month we take a deep-dive into a new theme. This means you’ll receive an email from me weekly letting you know the latest material that’s available. Each week builds on the previous one.
The hub has been operating since 1st June this year and both membership and the material in it continues growing as a rich resource.
Monthly I hold a ‘Mentoring Masterclass’ where new material is introduced and discussed in an interactive way.
When you join, you’ll have complete access to the 7-day quest (we ran this in early August).
Part 1 of a new program that gives you every tool, resource and insight I use with couples - it’s the closest thing to being in the room with me - is being released. Part 1 is available right now in the hub.
Busy, being busy
Most couples can feel overwhelmed at the amount of ‘things’ they need to do in a busy life. When I’m working with couples, my goal is to make the take-home exercises manageable because this is when real change occurs.
Couples that do the work, and by this I mean the take-home exercises, make the biggest shifts in their relational growth. Those that struggle to prioritise time for working on their relationship usually don’t make the deep changes that offer positive growth and development.
So, if you can’t see yourself having between 20-30 minutes a week to focus on your relationship, then perhaps it’s time to prioritise this. Relationships take ‘work’ - although this is a mindset - if by ‘work’, having richer conversations with your partner, enjoying more fun time together and relishing your sexual life along with feeling more intimate and connected looks too much like ‘work’ … then … stay the way you are by doing exactly what you’ve done before.
Is it time to protect your greatest asset: your relationship?
This program is about shifting old patterns, and flexing new mental and emotional muscles so you can be an advocate for yourself, your relationship, your family and your community.
This membership is not designed to load more things on your to-do list.
What we’ll be doing together is growing by using the latest research and tools available. They’re practical.
The program provides actionable steps so you can track your progress along the way.
It’s practical, measurable and designed to have you achieving your relational goals.
Is this information I could find on a podcast or a blog?
No. While blogs and podcasts are brilliant for providing general information that can be extremely useful, our membership is about stretching relational muscles that will provide you with a real growth path.
It’s when you know exactly where you are, and where you’re going that you can get the results you want.
No one is perfect, we’re all works-in-progress …
If you follow elite sporting professionals, they never stop working on their game.
If you enjoy the arts, then practice and repetition is a constant companion.
If you work out at the gym, do yoga/pilates, swim or run - regular workouts are necessary to maintain optimum muscle strength and cardio fitness.
If you want your relationship to be healthy, happy and successful - then it relies on building your relational muscles.
It’s about having a commitment towards:
Continual growth that involves personal development and insight
Strengthening of micro-skills to manage one’s own emotions (and emotional outbursts)
Communication skills that help you be assertive, attuned and present
Relational interdependence that helps you both co-regulate and co-operate intentionally
PLUS Insight into personal blind spots as these are what ultimately hold us back.
Is there a special offer to join the program?
I want to make this super affordable, so the current rate is AU$97 per month, yet your price is only AU$69 per month (cancel any time).
The value you’ll receive from the program will be far in excess of this figure. To meet with me personally, couples pay $210 per session. So if a couple met with me fortnightly, they’re investing $420, yet with this online program, you’ll have access to ask questions and receive new insights and tools each week for only $69 per month. This is a great offer.
This offer is only available for a short while. After this, I’ll be closing the membership to focus on those who’ve joined. (And I may never offer the bonus 30-minute consult again.)
What’s the time commitment?
You can choose to stay as long as you want in the program. There are no contracts. If you want to cancel your membership, you can easily do so. However, if you wish to rejoin in the future you’ll incur the latest price - not this rate.
The time commitment each week will be about 20-30 minutes - you can do as little as you want, or as much as you want. How deep you go is up to you.
Some weeks you may spend more time listening or working through exercises, others less. The beauty of this program is that it’s accessible 24/7, so there isn’t a feeling of ‘being behind’ - you’ll always be at the right place.
The hub where all the resources are stored will be invaluable as it’s designed to complement your lifestyle, not complicate it.
Monthly we have a Q&A style master-mind that you can join live or watch the recording later. You can submit questions - either anonymously or openly. Your privacy will be respected, I understand how important this is.
What if I’m not in a relationship at the moment - will this be relevant to me?
Yes. Whether you’re single, separated or wanting to be in a relationship - the mentoring you’ll receive here is the next best thing to working with me personally.
This means that persistent problems from the past that may feel as if they’re capable of destroying any relationship you enter can be worked on now.
Can a couple share the membership or do we need our own separate account?
You’ll only need one membership for a couple/family living in the same household.
What about friends, I know someone who may like this.
Please share this offer with anyone you believe will benefit from it.
Do I receive a discount if I pay for a whole year?
Yes, if you commit to a full year, you’ll only pay $790 (10 months @ $79) which means you’re saving 2 months.
How do I pay monthly?
It’s through a secure online facility via monthly direct debit. You can cancel this at any time, meaning the membership will end at the last day of the current month you’re on.
If you join today, the first payment will be debited today and be for the entire month.
If you’re ready to say ‘YES’ and join me on this exciting venture, then I’m delighted and can’t wait to welcome you!!
Any questions? Please send them to me at barbara@schoolofmodernpsychology.com and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Who is this membership for?
Even though you’ve worked with me, I know that when a couple is living in their own world it’s easy to forget what’s been learned. It’s easy to step back into old patterns. I get it. This is why I believe this membership is so needed. It’s one way I can continue supporting you, and help you reach even greater levels of connection.
Who is this membership not for?
If you want to fix your partner, I suggest fixing your own mindset first. All one can ever do in a relationship is work on oneself and how to turn up in the relationship as the best version of themselves.
If you aren’t interested in changing or doing what it takes to create a magnificent relationship that’s curious, caring and compassionate - then this isn’t for you.
If you’re waiting for your partner to change before you do anything positive and supportive - then perhaps it’s time to reflect on what it takes to shift this mindset and live according to your values.
Are you ready?
If you’re still reading, I hope you’re ready to dive in and join me on what I know will be a rich and rewarding experience together. Let’s start. Register by clicking on one of the options above.
For the cost of a few cappuccinos a week this offer is tempting and very reasonable for what you’ll receive - and remember, you can cancel at any time if you decide it’s not for you.
“I do hope you’ll join me in this exciting new venture,” Barbara Grace