LIFT = Loving, Intimate, Fair and Trustworthy - Essential ingredients for relationships to LIFT.
DAY 3: How our beliefs & values can keep us safe
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Over to you: Today’s Exercise
Write down your top 5 relationship values in your journal.
Talk about them with your partner.
Share from an open-hearted space the times you feel you haven’t been operating from a ‘true north’ perspective and instead been pulled onto your ‘magnetic north’ - which is a more self-centred and self-focused place.
If you’re looking for a quick review of what we’ve covered so far, click any of the images below.
Extension exercise: Use these ideas to make an ‘agreement’ where you hold yourself accountable to your values
For example: If I value fairness (which I do), and notice I’m rolling my eyes at something Stephen (husband) is doing, then I have two choices:
Firstly, I can enjoy feeling ‘superior’ in the moment and being judgemental - or,
Secondly, I can be more accountable and either help him with whatever he’s doing, ask more questions to work out what he’s doing or simply choose to see the man I love with all his various idiosyncrasies. That’s a choice I can make.
The agreement would look like this: If I begin to feel ‘superior’ and feel I’m coming from a ‘one-up’ place, I will choose to re-frame what I’m thinking so I can feel more connected to Stephen. In addition, I will engage with him in a more open way to offer help, or gain more clarity. I’m doing this as I value fairness, justice and sensitivity.
Up next … Day 4: How To Be More Emotionally Available In Your Relationship
“What you focus on ... you’ll attract more of”